City Organizations
Staunton Baseball/Softball League
President Bill Boster 217-556-5740
Treasurer Matt Miersch 217-371-4259
Secretary Julie Meyer 618-292-4060
Soccer League
Ray Schutzenhofer 618-635-8051
Butch & Marlene Krive 618-635-3288
Perry McDowell 618-635-3298
Tom Allen 618-635-8532
Dave & Janet Hall 618-635-5306
Lilli Sirko 217-456-9502
Bob & Lucinda Fulton 618-637-1135
Bob Bridges 618-637-4349
Bill Hester 618-637-4347
Bryan & Heather Ondes 618-635-2703
Steve Provost
Lions Club of Staunton
P.O. Box 94
Staunton, IL 62088
PH: 618-635-2116
Meets 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of each month
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