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Water Department







If a water service is shut off due to non-payment of a bill there shall be a $35.00 turn on fee in addition to the $35.00 shut off fee charged.  These charges must be paid before service will be restored.



Staunton Water Department operators are on duty at the water plant from
6:00am to 4:30pm Monday - Friday and 7:00am to 3:30 on Saturday, Sundays and Holidays


If a resident needs to report a water leak you can call the water department at 618-635-2557.
If no answer call the Staunton Police Department at 618-635-3333


City holidays are as follows:


New Year’s Day


Memorial Day 

Independence Day

Labor Day 

Veteran’s Day 

Thanksgiving Day

Thanksgiving Friday

Christmas Eve

Christmas Day




Public Works Director

Mike Kuethe


cell:  618-797-8366


Water Plant




Billing Inquiries


Connection Services

To Connect / Disconnect Service call 635-2233


Rental properties require a $200 meter deposit to establish service.  Pay at city hall


Connection Fee $35.00

NSF check fee $25.00

Shut off / Turn on fees for non-payment $70.00

Tampering Fee $50.00


Water & Sewer Rates



First 7,500 Gals  $ 6.53 per 1000 

Over 7,500 Gals  $ 7.47 per 1000

Debt Service $ 12.75


 First 7,500 Gals $ 9.14 per 1000

Over 7,500 Gals $ 10.46 per 1000

Debt Service  $ 12.75



 Per 1,000 Gals $13.17



Per 1,000 Gals$4.49

Debt Service    


Per 1,000 Gals     $7.95 

Debt Service $4.00 



Facility Charges:

Single                   -    $ 6.50

Double                 -    $ 9.00

Triple                   -   $ 12.50

Quad                   -   $16.50

Five-Ten              -   $20.75

Eleven and over    -   $41.25


Effective 1/1/25

City of Staunton Water Rates



Forms of Payment

Water bills can be paid in person at city hall by cash, check, money order or credit/debit card (subject to a service fee)



City Hall is located at 101 W Pearl St

in the Ralph & Josephine Oltmann Community Center
Hours are M-F 8:00 - 4:30


After hours - a drop box is located outside City Hall to the left of the front door

Payment by credit/debit car can be paid on line by using the link below:

                                                         Service Fee Schedule


Automatic debit from your checking account can be set up by contacting City Hall

Annexation Agreements Required

If a residence is outside city limits when connecting to Staunton water the homeowner will be required to enter into an annexation agreement and petition to annex before service will be set up




Ordinance 1792



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