Yard Waste License
City Code 16-3-6
Fee: $15 Annual Fee - expires 12/31
Allows residents to dump yard waste at specified location. Can be purchased at City Hall, the Police Department or pay online and we will mail you the sticker. If you pay online type "yard waste" for the account number
Business License
City Code 7-1-1
Fee: $25 One Time Fee / $50.00 Background Check - At time of initial application
Liquor License
City Code 21-1-1
July 1 - June 30 each year
Class "A" License: Taverns $500 annually
Class"B" License: Convenience $500 annually
Class "C" License: Grocery $350 annually
Class "D" License: Restaurant $400 annually
Class "E" License: Clubs $400 annually
Class "F" License: Organizations $20 daily
Class "G" License: Extended Hours $500 annually
Liquor License - Individual-Partnership
Trash Hauling
Coin Operated Machines-Video Gaming Terminals
City Code 7-4-1
July 1 - June 30
Annual Fee: $25 per machine
Must be applied for at City Hall
Raffle License
Raffle License
City Code 7-6-1
Any person or organization conducting or partaking in the selling of raffle chances within the city limits of Staunton must have a license to do so.
Raffle License Application
City Code 3-5-1
July 1 - June 30
Annual Fee:
$ 5 Spayed or Neutered Dog/Cat
$10 Un-Spayed or Un-Neutered Dog/Cat
Must be applied for at City Hall
Solicitor's License
City Code 7-2-1
Daily License $50 a day
Annual License $100 a year
Solicitor's Application
To download or view the City of Staunton Fee Schedule click on the link below:
Fee Schedule