Staunton City Council and Committee Meetings
To access meetings remotely the link will allow you to access meetings via Google Meets from a computer. It is recommended to use the Google Meets link for stable and reliable connection to join the meetings.
The meetings can also be joined by telephone by calling the listed number and entering the PIN code. Some issues you may experience by accessing via telephone may be delayed audio, echo’s and or choppy audio. This is due to telephone connections are via VOIP. This technology is very reliant on band width and number of individuals accessing via telephone.
To schedule attending by either method, please send an email to rjohnson@stauntonil.com. This will enable the system to send you a direct link with meeting details and updates as necessary. It is NOT required but can improve and enhance your experience attending remotely.
If you have any questions or experience issues or problems attending remotely, please contact City Hall at (618)635-2233 or by email at dstiegemeier@stauntonil.com during normal business hours.
Mon February 8, 2021 - beginning at 6:30PM
This event has a video call.
Joining info
Join with Google Meet
Join by phone
(US) +1 781-365-9060 (PIN: 671188271)