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City Council Meeting Agenda--December 28, 2020 at 7:00 P.M.


City of Staunton

101 W. Pearl St.

Monday, December 28, 2020

7:00 p.m.

I. Call to Order (7:00-7:01)

II. Pledge of Allegiance (7:01-7:02)

III. Roll Call Vote (7:02-7:04)

IV. Consent Agenda (7:04-7:06)


Regular Meeting – 12/14/2020

Executive Session – 12/14/2020

Collector’s Report

Ameren Illinois (Utility Tax)--$16,171.17

MJM Electric Cooperative (Utility Tax)--$207.40

Staunton Area Ambulance Service (Dispatching Fee)--$500.00

State of Illinois (Personal Property Replacement Tax)--$630.13

State of Illinois (Use Tax)--$19,403.10

State of Illinois (Income Tax)--$34,200.36

State of Illinois (Telecommunications Tax)--$5,775.97

State of Illinois (Cannabis Use Tax)--$246.89

State of Illinois (Video Gaming Tax)--$8,157.99

State of Illiinois (Sales Tax)--$52,962.05

State of Illinois (MFT Tax)--$9,556.69

State of Illinois (MFT Renewal Fund)--$6,860.83

M&M Service Company (Sievers Farm Income)--$8,103.29




December 28, 2020

Business Licenses Issued

Avid Recovery & Towing

Staunton Helping Hands Center (Raffle License)

V. Guests

VI. Correspondence (7:10-7:15)

VII. Treasurer’s Report (7:15-7:17)

Certificates of Deposit recently cashed in at Bank of Hillsboro:

Water Fund--$150,000.00 plus $263.41 interest

Sewer Fund--$100,000.00 plus $175.60 interest

Telecommunications Fund--$150,000.00 plus $263.41 interest

VIII. City Clerk’s Report (7:17-7:20)

All Certificates of Participation for the 2020 Sexual Harassment Prevention Training

must be turned in to the City Clerk’s Office on or before December 31, 2020. This

applies to all City employees and elected officials.

IX. Approval of Committee Reports and Motions (7:20-8:20)

Public Health & Safety – Johnson (7:20-7:25)

Motion to approve spending up to $25,000.00 for police department remodeling, as budgeted

Park & Civic Improvement - Scanzoni (7:25– 7:30)

Finance/Claims – Moore (7:30-7:35)

Utilities / Water - Hanks (7:35-7:40)

Motion to accept low bid from Midwest Municipal Supply for materials for the

Caldwell Street water main loop in the amount of $2,964.87. The other bid

received was from Schulte Supply for $3,340.00.

Street / Sewer – Machota (7:40-7:45)

Motion to accept proposal from A&A Drilling, Inc. for directional bore in the

sewer forced main from Deneen Street to Tubular Steel Road in the amount of


Motion to pay Invoice #2223 from Nail Land Surveying for Surveying Services

related to the proposed lift station area on the east side of Interstate 55 in the

amount of $1,400.00

Public Grounds – Machota (7:45-7:50)

Tourism – Neuhaus - (7:50-7:55)

Personnel – Johnson - (7:55-8:00)

The minimum wage for four City employees will be increasing from $10.00 per

hour to $11.00 per hour, effective January 1, 2021. This is due to the State of

Illinois minimum wage requirement that goes in to effect that day.

Annexation – Wallace - (8:00-8:10)

Special Committees – (8:10-8:15)

Economic / TIF – Neuhaus

Motion to approve payment to Joe & Jennifer Pratte for 50% of their TIF reimbursement grant in the amount of $10,454.13

Judiciary – Bodner - (8:15-8:20)

Motion to approve Ordinance #2100 Granting A Zoning Variance For Real Property Located At 622 Bell Street, Staunton, Illinois

X. Unfinished Business (8:20-8:25)

XI. New Business (8:25-8:30)

XII. Executive Session (8:30-8:50)

XIII. Motions from Executive Session (8:50-9:00)

XIV. Adjournment (9:00)

Any item listed on this agenda, including any request made in correspondence to the City, may be considered and the subjected to a vote and final action.

Due to the COVID-19 virus, enhanced mitigation has been put in place by the Governor of Illinois. At this time, any guests that are wanting to attend the City Council Meeting can do so remotely. Please email to receive the invitation to attend the meeting.


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