City of Staunton
101 W. Pearl Street
Monday, January 11, 2021
7:00 p.m.
I. Call to Order (7:00-7:01)
II. Pledge of Allegiance (7:01-7:02)
III. Roll Call Vote (7:02-7:04)
IV. Consent Agenda (7:04-7:06)
Regular Meeting – 11/23/2020
Collector’s Report
Staunton Super 8 Motel (Hotel/Motel Tax)--$1,028.48
Staunton Police Department (Reports)--$10.00
Mullins Salvage (Scrap from Street Dept.)--$241.50
Macoupin County Treasurer (Real Estate Taxes)--$60,844.38
Macoupin County Treasurer (Real Estate Taxes / Library)--$7,520.43
Macoupin County Treasurer (Main Street TIF Taxes)--$5,816.76
Macoupin County Treasurer (Interstate TIF Taxes)--$3,672.23
Macoupin County Circuit Clerk (Fine Disbursement)--$413.28
Macoupin County Circuit Clerk (Arrest Agency Fee)--$48.00
Macoupin County Circuit Clerk (DUI Fund)--$1.17
Macoupin County Circuit Clerk (E-Citation Fee)--$4.00
Macoupin County Circuit Clerk (Police Vehicle Fund)--$20.50
State of Illinois (Unemployment Benefits Reimbursement due to COVID)--$1,379.89
Drew Sloan (Part Time Police Officer)
Jacob Morgan (Part Time Police Officer)
Mitchell Brown (Police Dispatcher)
Tammy Hopkins (Police Dispatcher)
Monthly Report
Distributed by the Bookkeeper
January 11, 2020
Business Licenses Issued
Robert Sanders Waste Systems (Trash Hauling License)
Waste Management of Illinois (Trash Hauling License)
Flowers Sanitation (Trash Hauling License)
V. Guests
VI. Correspondence (7:10-7:15)
Received a letter of resignation from part time police dispatcher Mindy Beisner. The letter was dated December 29, 2020 and her resignation was effective that day.
VII. Treasurer’s Report (7:15-7:17)
VIII. City Clerk’s Report (7:17-7:20)
As of this time, the City has three licensed trash haulers. They are Robert “Bob” Sanders Waste System, Waste Management and Flowers Sanitation. Republic Services (Allied Waste) has not re-newed their license at this time.
IX. Approval of Committee Reports and Motions (7:20-8:20)
Public Health & Safety – Johnson (7:20-7:25)
Park & Civic Improvement - Scanzoni (7:25– 7:30)
Motion to pay Invoice #577784 to Sandberg Phoenix for Profession Services
Rendered regarding condemnation proceedings at 729 W. 7th Street in the amount
of $2,438.41
Finance/Claims – Moore (7:30-7:35)
Utilities / Water - Hanks (7:35-7:40)
Motion to renew Maintenance Quote from Esri, Inc. for software maintenance in
the amount of $400.00, with a start date of March 1, 2021 and an end date of
February 28, 2022. This will be split evenly between street, sewer and water.
Motion to accept low materials bid from Midwest Municipal Supply for the East
Macoupin to East Pearl Street water main project in the amount of $71,262.56.
The only other bid received was from IMCO Utility Supply, with their bid amount
being $74,240.20.
Street / Sewer – Machota (7:40-7:45)
Public Grounds – Machota (7:45-7:50)
Tourism – Neuhaus - (7:50-7:55)
Personnel – Johnson - (7:55-8:00)
Per the Personnel Committee Meeting on Monday, January 4, 2021, the Christmas Holiday schedule for City employees for 2021 will be as follows:
Employees will be off on Friday, December 24, 2021 and Monday, December 27, 2021. A copy of the 2021 Holiday Schedule is attached to the agenda packet.
Annexation – Wallace - (8:00-8:10)
Special Committees – (8:10-8:15)
Judiciary – Bodner - (8:15-8:20)
1st reading of Ordinance #2101 Denying A Zoning Variance For Real Property
Located At 901 East Henry Street, Staunton, Illinois
Motion to approve Resolution #2021-01 Establishing The Zoning Hearing
Meeting Location Schedule For The City Of Staunton, Illinois For The
Calendar Year 2021
X. Unfinished Business (8:20-8:25)
XI. New Business (8:25-8:30)
XII. Executive Session (8:30-8:50)
XIII. Motions from Executive Session (8:50-9:00)
XIV. Adjournment (9:00)
Any item listed on this agenda, including any request made in correspondence to the City, may be considered and the subjected to a vote and final action.
Due to the COVID-19 virus, enhanced mitigation has been put in place by the Governor of Illinois. At this time, any guests that are wanting to attend the City Council Meeting can do so remotely. Please email to receive the invitation to attend the meeting.