City Council Meeting Agenda--September 11, 2023 at 7:00 P.M.
City of Staunton
101 W. Pearl Street
Monday, September 11, 2023
7:00 p.m.
I. Call to Order (7:00-7:01)
II. Pledge of Allegiance (7:01-7:02)
III. Roll Call Vote (7:02-7:04)
IV. Consent Agenda (7:04-7:06)
Regular Meeting – 08/28/2023
Collector’s Report
Staunton Police Department (Ordinance Violations)--$300.00
Staunton Police Department (Reports)--$5.00
Staunton Police Department (Registrations)--$35.00
Macoupin County Treasurer (Real Estate Taxes 1st Installment)--$164,995.24
Macoupin County Treasurer (Real Estate Taxes 1st Installment – Library)--$20,192.13
Macoupin County Treasurer (Interstate TIF Taxes 1st Installment)--$44,351.21
Macoupin County Treasurer (Downtown TIF Taxes 1st Installment)--$51,874.93
State of Illinois (Sales Tax)--$72,810.10
State of Illinois (MFT Allotment)--$9,474.24
State of Illinois (MFT Renewal Fund Allotment)--$9,302.19
Sean Yates (Part Time Police Officer)
Steven Herbert (Police Dispatcher)
Monthly Report
Distributed by the City Clerk’s Office
September 11, 2023
Business Licenses Issued
Staunton High School Sophomore Class (Raffle License)
V. Guests
VI. Correspondence (7:10-7:15)
Received an email from Jason Steinmeyer, Cub Master for Cub Scout Pack 8034, requesting to use the South Water Tower Park on Thursday evening, September 14th from 6:30 to 8:30 for their recruiting night. Mr. Steinmeyer is asking to have the park rental fee waived.
Received a request from Stacy Slifka, representing the Staunton FFA Alumni, asking to use the Fireman’s Park on Saturday morning, September 16th for their annual tractor ride. Mrs. Slifka is asking to have the park rental fee waived.
VII. Treasurer’s Report (7:15-7:17)
VIII. City Clerk’s Report (7:17-7:20)
As of the August 31st deadline, we have duck blinds that were not registered by that date. They are blind numbers 4 and 8.
IX. Approval of Committee Reports and Motions (7:20-8:20)
Public Health & Safety – Manning (7:20-7:25)
Park & Civic Improvement - Tipler (7:25– 7:30)
Motion to approve request from Jason Steinmeyer, Cub Master for Cub Scout
Pack 8034 to use the South Water Tower Park on Thursday evening, September
14th from 6:30 to 8:30 for their recruitment night, with the park rental fee being
Motion to approve request from the Staunton FFA Alumni to use the Fireman’s
Park on Saturday, September 16th for their annual Tractor Ride Event with the
park rental fee being waived
Finance/Claims – Tipler (7:30-7:35)
Motion to approve advertising for construction bids for the East Main Street
Sewer Extension Project
Utilities / Water - Berg (7:35-7:40)
Street / Sewer – Machota (7:40-7:45)
Public Grounds – Machota (7:45-7:50)
Tourism – Neuhaus - (7:50-7:55)
Motion to close the following streets for the upcoming Strassenfest:
Main Street from Wood Street to Union Street on Saturday, September 16, 2023
from 6:00 A.M. to 11:59 P.M.;
Elm Street from the Associated Bank entrance going north to Duda Garden on
Friday, September 15, 2023 from 7:00 A.M. until Monday, September 18, 2023 at
10:00 A.M.
Personnel – Dias (7:55-8:00)
Annexation – Manning (8:00-8:10)
Special Committees – (8:10-8:15)
Judiciary – Manning - (8:15-8:20)
Motion to approve Ordinance #2216 Approving A Pre-Annexation Agreement With Larry F. & Janice M. Spour Regarding Property Located At 9425 Schaefer Road, Staunton, IL But Not Physically Annexing The Property To The City’s Corporate Boundaries At This Time
Motion to approve Ordinance #2217 Approving A Pre-Annexation Agreement With Angela L. Rose Regarding Property Located At 1928 N. Reservoir Road, Staunton, IL But Not Physically Annexing The Property To The City’s Corporate Boundaries At This Time
Motion to waive 1st reading of Ordinance #2218 Establishing No Parking On The North Side Of West Prairie Street From The City Alley Adjoining The City Impound Lot To North Edwardsville Street / State Route 4
Motion to approve Ordinance #2218 Establishing No Parking On The North Side Of West Prairie Street From The City Alley Adjoining The City Impound Lot To North Edwardsville Street / State Route 4
X. Unfinished Business (8:20-8:25)
XI. New Business (8:25-8:30)
Drawing of names for duck blinds
XII. Executive Session (8:30-8:50)
XIII. Motions from Executive Session (8:50-9:00)
XIV. Adjournment (9:00)
Any item listed on this agenda, including any request made in correspondence to the City, may be considered and the subjected to a vote and final action.