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City Council Meeting Minutes--December 9, 2019



Mayor Craig Neuhaus called the Staunton City Council Meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. on Monday, December 9, 2019.


Mayor Craig Neuhaus led the Pledge Allegiance to the Flag.


City Clerk Stiegemeier called roll with the following persons

ATTENDING: Councilmembers Maria Bodner, Brooke Wallace, Rick Johnson, Randy Hanks, Chad Plenske, Ailee, Taylor, Jeff Scanzoni, Mayor Craig Neuhaus, City Clerk Dennis Stiegemeier, City Attorney Phil Lading, City Treasurer Cindy Pirok, Police Chief Jeff Doerr and Public Works Director Mike Kuethe.


Motion by Taylor, seconded by Bodner to approve Resolution #2019-22 Appointing Micah Wall To The Position Of Ward 3 Alderman For The City Of Staunton, Illinois. Ayes: Taylor, Scanzoni, Bodner. Nayes: Wallace, Johnson, Hanks, Plenske. Motion failed 3 Ayes; 4 Nayes.


Johnson moved, seconded by Plenske to approve Consent Agenda with the following items:


Regular Meeting – 11/25/2019

Collector’s Report

Staunton Super 8 Motel (Hotel/Motel Tax)--$1,913.07

Staunton Police Department (Ordinance Violations)--$200.00

Prairietown Feed Service, Inc. (Jarman Farm Income)--$1,417.40

Macoupin County Circuit Clerk (Restitution)--$50.00

State of Illinois (MFT Tax)--$11,540.27

State of Illinois (MFT Renewal Fund)--$7,638.49

State of Illinois (Personal Property Replacement Tax)--$779.50

State of Illinois (Sales Tax)--$49,087.60


Monthly Report

Distributed by the Office Manager


December 9, 2019, 2019

Business Licenses Issued

Cash Out Gaming, Inc. (Business License)

St. Paul United Church of Christ (Raffle License)

Roll Call Vote

AYES: Wallace, Johnson, Hanks, Plenske, Taylor, Scanzoni, Bodner.

NAYS: None.


Motion declared carried.


Micah Wall expressed his disappointment regarding the failure to appoint him as

Ward 3 Alderman. He had talked with Alderman Johnson this past week and said

that he had made an attempt to contact other Aldermen and was unsuccessful in

reaching anyone. Mr. Wall was unhappy that no one had even asked any questions of

him and then voted him down.


Received an email from Chamber of Commerce President Carrie Borgini that had been sent to her from Dan Cox, Superintendent of Staunton Schools regarding the recent accident involving families from Vandalia, IL. The school is working through the Chamber of Commerce and local clergy to raise funds to help the families cover expenses they have incurred. An account has been set up at First National Bank of Staunton in the name of “Vandalia Student Memorial Fund”. Mr. Cox is asking for the community’s support in helping our friends at Vandalia. A copy of the letter is attached to the agenda packet.

Received a letter of resignation from part time police officer, Tim Lovejoy, dated

December 5, 2019.



City Hall Office will be closed on Tuesday, December 24 and Wednesday, December 25, 2019 in observance of the Christmas Holiday, as well as Wednesday, January 1, 2020 for the New Year Holiday. All public works employees, except for one water treatment plant employee, will be off that day as well.



Nothing to report.


Nothing to report.


Nothing to report.


Motion by Hanks, seconded by Johnson to pay Invoice #11734301 to Hach Company for a replacement probe for PH sensor in the amount of $1,289.23. The quote was approved at the November 12, 2019 City Council Meeting for $1,132.00, however, Hach did not include the freight figure in the original quote. Ayes: Hanks, Plenske, Taylor, Scanzoni, Bodner, Wallace, Johnson. Nayes: None. Absent: None. Motion carried.


Nothing to report.


Nothing to report.


Nothing to report.


Nothing to report.


Nothing to report.


Nothing to report.


Motion by Wallace, seconded by Johnson to approve Resolution #2019-23 Approving An Agreement For Donation Of Sewer System. Alderman Johnson asked if this would mean that the City would have to take over the sewer system in the nearby trailer court and Public Works Director Kuethe stated that these are all service lines and they belong to the trailer court. Ayes: Plenske, Taylor, Scanzoni, Bodner, Wallace, Johnson, Hanks. Nayes: None. Absent: None.

Motion by Wallace, seconded by Bodner to approve Resolution #2019-24 Hiring Dave Volentine As Zoning And Ordinance Official For The City Of Staunton, Illinois. Ayes: Taylor, Scanzoni, Bodner. Nayes: Wallace, Johnson, Hanks, Plenske. Absent: None. Motion failed 3 Ayes; 4 Nayes.

Motion by Wallace, seconded by Johnson to approve Ordinance #2038 Authorizing The Levy And Collection Of Taxes For The Corporate And Municipal Purposes Of The City Of Staunton, Macoupin County, Illinois For The Fiscal Year Beginning May 1, 2019 And Ending April 30, 2020. Ayes: Taylor, Scanzoni, Bodner, Wallace, Johnson, Hanks, Plenske. Nayes: None. Motion carried.

Motion by Wallace, seconded by Johnson to approve Ordinance #2039 Approving An Annexation Agreement With David & Kristie Rucker To Annex Property Located At 952 Rucker Lane, Staunton, IL To The City Of Staunton, Illinois. Ayes: Scanzoni, Bodner, Wallace, Johnson, Hanks, Plenske, Taylor. Nayes: None. Absent: None. Motion carried.

Motion by Wallace, seconded by Johnson to approve Ordinance #2040 Approving An Annexation Agreement With JICTB, Inc. by Roy Burch, Manager To Annex Property Located At 2312 Route 4, Staunton, IL To The City Of Staunton, Illinois. Ayes: Bodner, Wallace, Johnson, Hanks, Plenske, Taylor Scanzoni. Nayes: None. Absent: None. Motion carried.

Prior to the next vote, Alderman Taylor suggested that Ordinance #2041 be tabled until a future Council Meeting, so the Council would have an opportunity to discuss at length and review the proposed amendments that had been made to the Ordinance. A motion was made by Taylor, seconded by Bodner to table Ordinance #2041 until the January 27, 2020 City Council Meeting. Ayes: Taylor, Scanzoni, Bodner. Nayes: Wallace, Johnson, Hanks, Plenske. Absent: None. Motion failed 3 Ayes; 4 Nayes.

Motion by Wallace, seconded by Johnson to approve Ordinance #2041 An Ordinance Adding Chapter 25, Article IV To The City Code Prohibiting Noise Nuisances Within The City with the following revisions being made:

Ayes: Johnson, Hanks, Plenske, Wallace. Nayes: Bodner, Taylor, Scanzoni. Absent: None. Motion carried 4 Ayes; 3 Nayes.

Motion by Wallace, seconded by Plenske to waive 1st reading of Ordinance #2043 Granting A Zoning Variance For Real Property Located At 311 West Fifth Street, Staunton, Illinois. Ayes: Plenske, Scanzoni, Bodner, Wallace. Nayes: Hanks, Taylor, Johnson. Absent: None. Motion carried 4 Ayes; 3 Nayes.

Motion by Wallace, seconded by Plenske to approve Ordinance #2043 Granting A Zoning Variance For Real Property Located At 311 West Fifth Street, Staunton, Illinois. Ayes: Bodner, Wallace, Johnson, Hanks, Plenske, Taylor, Scanzoni. Nayes: None. Absent: None. Motion carried.



Alderman Neuhaus was contacted today by WSMI Radio asking if the City would be

willing to advertise the 7th Grade Terriers Girls Basketball Team as they play in the

State Tournament on Thursday. The Council agreed to do a $50.00 ad.

After a brief discussion regarding the December 23, 2019 City Council Meeting, a

motion was made by Johnson, seconded by Bodner to cancel the December 23, 2019

City Council Meeting. Ayes: Wallace, Johnson, Hanks, Plenske, Taylor, Scanzoni,

Bodner. Nayes: None. Absent: None. Motion carried.

A sealed bid was received from Justin and Jada Wilhelm for Surplus Property at 307

East Mill Street in Staunton. The bid amount was $2,500.00. A decision will be

made at the January 13, 2020 City Council Meeting to accept or reject the bid.

Due to the request of guests asking to speak to the Council, a motion was made by

Taylor, seconded by Bodner to suspend rules to allow guests to speak. Ayes:

Johnson, Hanks, Plenske, Taylor, Scanzoni, Bodner, Wallace. Nayes: None.

Absent: None. Motion carried.

Michelle Scroggins was first to address the Council and she has a business on Main

Street and stated that she was unaware that a Noise Ordinance was even being

considered. She feels the Ordinance is targeting certain businesses. Jim Wallace

stated that there are many rumors and Facebook messages going around that are not

true and there are many facts that people are not aware of. He said the discussion on

a Noise Ordinance started back on July 1st due to a request by the Mayor. Discussion

was held at committee meetings on August 5 and September 3. Wallace stated that

people have been working on the Ordinance for 5 months. Rich Garde and Don

Schrader both expressed concerns with the “quiet times” and thought they were too

early. Carrie Borgini from Mayfield’s expressed concerns with their business,

stating that much of their seasonal winter work must be done during night time hours.

Carrie stated that if a snow storm would come in, they have several contracts to do

snow removal and many of them need to be done immediately, like the hospital and

nursing home, and others needing lots cleared before 6:00 A.M. She is concerned

with the passage of the ordinance, that there will be many complaints against her

business. Dave Volentine stated that he met with several City Officials at the time

that he built the Chicken Coop at Roosters and had asked at that time if there were

any issues, and he felt that everyone was on the same page. Dave felt too that the

Ordinance was rushed through and he had hoped that prior to passing, a meeting

would have been set up with businesses to answer questions and concerns. Alderman

Taylor stated that she was not involved with the Council until her appointment in

August, so she missed all of the initial discussion with the July and August committee

meetings, and she didn’t see the meeting minutes from the September 3rd meeting

until the Judiciary Committee meeting on December 2nd.. Taylor also expressed

disappointment in voting down a viable candidate for Ward 3 Alderman and the

best candidate for the Zoning/Ordinance Official following the intervies for the

position. Jon Eaves stated that he is embarrassed by the Council’s decision, as he is

also a business owner. Kandy Buzick said she feels that some Council Members are

voting for personal reasons, and that everyone has been elected by the people and in

turn, they should be working for the people. Cheri Scroggins stated that she feels the

Ordinance is targeting Roosters Pub. Glen Sies, a business owner and musician,

stated that he plays in a band and they have played at several local establishments in

Staunton. He asked if bands are allowed to play indoors until 12:00 A.M., and who

would be monitoring the noise decibel. He also questioned what the guidelines would

be for City sponsored functions. Lindsey Donovan expressed concern with farm

property, since there are some properties located within the city limits of Staunton.

She stated that with changing weather conditions, some farmers may need to work

well in to the night to get their field work done. One local framer told Alderman

Bodner that the police were called on him in the spring when he was working one

night in the early morning hours. At the end of the discussion, Alderman Bodner

wished the 7th Grade Girls Terriers best of luck at State Tournament this week.

A motion was made by Alderman Johnson, seconded by Alderman Plenske to return

to regular order of business.

Alderman Taylor stated that she was contacted by a local girl’s Robotics team. They

are working to identify various issues with the City, and for one of their projects, they

created a survey that can be used to collect data from the residents of Staunton. The

survey has been created on Survey Monkey and the results would come directly to the

City. The Council agreed that they would like to discuss this further, and Mayor

Neuhaus stated that he could call a Committee of the Whole Meeting and discuss at

that time.


Motion by Plenske, seconded by Johnson to go in to Executive Session to discuss

Potential Real Estate Acquisition – Pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2 (c) (5) at 7:48 P.M.

Ayes: Plenske, Taylor, Scanzoni, Bodner, Wallace, Johnson, Hanks. Nayes: None.

Absent: None. Motion carried.

Motion by Johnson, seconded by Plenske to return to regular order of business at

7:55 P.M. Ayes: Taylor, Scanzoni, Bodner, Wallace, Johnson, Hanks, Plenske.

Nayes: None. Absent: None. Motion carried.


No motions were made from Executive Session.


With no further business to discuss, Councilmember Plenske, seconded by Councilmember Wallace to adjourn at 7:56 PM. All present voting aye, motion carried.

Prepared by:

Dennis K. Stiegemeier City Clerk

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