City Council Meeting Minutes--June 8, 2020
Mayor Craig Neuhaus called the Staunton City Council Meeting to order at 7:02 P.M. on Monday, June 8, 2020
Mayor Craig Neuhaus led the Pledge Allegiance to the Flag.
City Clerk Stiegemeier called roll with the following persons:
ATTENDING: Aldermen Brooke Wallace, Rick Johnson, Randy Hanks, Chad Plenske and Jeff Scanzoni, Mayor Craig Neuhaus and City Clerk Dennis Stiegemeier.
ELECTRONIC ATTENDANCE: Aldermen Maria Bodner, Ryan Machota, Ailee Taylor, City Treasurer Cindy Pirok, City Attorney Phil Lading and Police Chief Jeff Doerr.
NOT ATTENDING: Public Works Director Mike Kuethe.
The Open Meetings Act requires that a quorum of members of the public body by physically present at the meeting location and allows for limited circumstances in which remote access is acceptable. However, Executive Order 2020-07, issued by Governor Pritzker on March 16, 2020, suspends the in-person presence requirements at this time, due to the COVID-19 Virus outbreak, and eliminates the limitation on remote access at this time.
Johnson moved, seconded by Scanzoni to approve Consent Agenda with the following items:
Regular Meeting – 05/26/2020
Collector’s Report
Ameren Illinois (Utility Tax)--$18,266.40
Staunton Super 8 Motel (Hotel/Motel Tax)--$778.15
Staunton Police Department (Finger Printing)--$20.00
Staunton Police Department (Reports)--$5.00
First American Title Insurance Co. (Buyer Refund – 114 S. Elm St.)--$1,023.81
Macoupin County Circuit Clerk (Fine Disbursement)--$711.24
Macoupin County Circuit Clerk (FTA Warrant Fee)--$70.00
Macoupin County Circuit Clerk (DUI Fund)--$76.92
Macoupin County Circuit Clerk (E-Citation Fee)--$2.00
Southwestern Electric Cooperative (Utility Tax)--$831.71
State of Illinois (Sales Tax)--$48,968.93
State of Illinois (MFT Tax)--$7,166.01
Monthly Reports
Distributed by Bookkeeper
June 8, 2020
Business Licenses Issued
Roll Call Vote
AYES: Wallace, Johnson, Hanks, Machota, Plenske, Taylor, Scanzoni, Bodner.
NAYS: None.
Motion declared carried.
Leonard Broderick addressed the Council regarding a zoning variance that is on the agenda for approval this evening. The Broderick’s had a garage fire on March 6 that destroyed their garage and this was caused from a neighbor’s garage fire. Mr. Broderick is wanting to build the garage in the same place as the old garage, but it doesn’t meet the required set backs. A Public Hearing was held, and from the Findings of Fact from the hearing, the recommendation from the Zoning Hearing Attorney is to grant the variance. Mr. Broderick was asking the Council to waive the first reading of the Ordinance, granting the variance, and approve the same tonight so he could begin his project.
Received a letter from Vickie Renner of Pearl Essence Studio requesting to close North Wood Street from Main Street going north to the dead end on Saturday, June 27, 2020 from 10:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. for the Pearl Essence Studio’s 1st Anniversary Celebration. The east/west alley between North Wood and North Elm Streets will remain open. A copy of the letter is attached with the agenda packet.
Nothing to report.
Received an email from the Illinois Municipal League, and due to the COVID-19 restrictions, they have decided to cancel their annual IML Conference, which was to be held in September, in Chicago
Motion by Taylor, seconded by Wallace to grant request from Pearl Essence Studio to close North Wood Street from Main Street going north to the dead end on Saturday, June 27, 2020 from 10:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. for the Pearl Essence Studio’s 1st Anniversary Celebration. At Roll Call Vote – Ayes: Johnson, Hanks, Machota, Plenske, Taylor, Scanzoni, Bodner, Wallace. Nayes: None. Absent: None. Motion carried.
Nothing to report.
Motion by Taylor, seconded by Scanzoni authorizing Mayor Neuhaus to sign Engagement Letter with Kerber, Eck & Braeckel confirming services for the City Audit for the fiscal year ending April 30, 2020. The fee for audit services this year will be $14,950.00 and will be paid in three installments. At Roll Call Vote – Ayes: Hanks, Machota, Plenske, Taylor, Scanzoni, Bodner, Wallace, Johnson. Nayes: None. Absent: None. Motion carried. The City will be seeking bids for the next fiscal year audit.
Motion by Taylor, seconded by Scanzoni to pay Invoice #738710 to Kerber, Eck & Bracekel for progress billing in preparation of the April 30, 2020 audit in the amount of $5,000.00. This will be the first of three installments. At Roll Call Vote – Ayes: Machota, Plenske, Taylor, Scanzoni, Bodner, Wallace, Johnson, Hanks. Nayes: None. Absent: None. Motion carried.
Motion by Taylor to reimburse expenses to JK Redevlopemnt Properties according to the 50% completion mark as outlined in the Redevelopment Agreement ($11,800.00). Prior to a second being made, Alderman Johnson stated that he had several concerns with the bill that was submitted from JK Redevlopment. He felt there were several inconsistencies on the bill, and a motion was made by Johnson, seconded by Plenkse to table the reimbursing of expenses to JK Redevelopment Properties according to the 50% completion mark as outlined in the Redevlopment Agreement ($11,800.00). At Roll Call Vote – Ayes: Plenske, Taylor, Scanzoni, Bodner, Wallace, Johnson, Hanks, Machota. Nayes: None. Absent: None. Motion carried to table the reimbursement.
Motion by Taylor, seconded by Hanks to spend up to $12,000.00 for remodeling expenses related to the movement of the City Clerk Office space. Alderman Wallace asked if some details could be give as to what the expenses are. Alderman Taylor stated that new phones for the building would cost approximately $1,000.00. As of this time, contractor Jim Bianco has not submitted a contract yet, so Taylor stated that the dollar amount was a “vague request”. After some discussion, the motion was restated to say: motion by Taylor, seconded by Hanks to spend up to $3,000.00 for remodeling expenses related to the movement of the City Clerk Office space. At Roll Call Vote – Ayes: Taylor, Scanzoni, Bodner, Johnson, Hanks, Machota, Plenske. Nayes: Wallace. Absent: None. Motion carried 7 Ayes; 1 Naye.
Nothing to report.
Motion by Machota, seconded by Scanzoni to approve “Acceptance of Proposal to Furnish Materials and Approval of Award” from Beelman Logistics for road maintenance (CA-13) in the amount of $34,510.00. At Roll Call Vote – Ayes: Scanzoni, Bodner, Wallace, Johnson, Hanks, Machota, Plenske, Taylor. Nayes: None. Absent: None. Motion carried.
Motion by Machota, seconded by Johnson to approve “Acceptance of Proposal to Furnish Materials and Approval of Award” from Beelman Logistics for road maintenance (CA-6 and CA-7) in the amount of $19,061.00. At Roll Call Vote – Ayes: At Roll Call Vote – Bodner, Wallace, Johnson, Hanks, Machota, Plenske, Taylor, Scanzoni. Nayes: None. Absent: None. Motion carried.
Motion by Machota, seconded by Hanks to approve “Acceptance of Proposal to Furnish Materials and Approval of Award” from Mike Maedge Trucking for road maintenance (HFRS-2 and Seal Coat Aggregate) in the amount of $74,024.50. At Roll Call Vote – Ayes: Wallace, Johnson, Hanks, Machota, Plenske, Taylor, Scanzoni, Bodner. Nayes: None. Absent: None. Motion carried.
Motion to approve quote from Overhead Door Co. for new garage door opener,
parts and labor for one of the garage doors at the City Hall complex at a cost of
$2,413.00. This will be paid from line item 35.61.511.0 (City Hall Complex Services). Alderman Bodner stated that two other companies had been contacted, but none of them submitted a bid. At Roll Call Vote – Ayes: Johnson, Hanks, Machota, Plenske, Taylor, Scanzoni, Bodner, Wallace. Nayes: None. Absent: None. Motion carried.
Nothing to report.
Motion by Wallace, seconded by Hanks to table longevity salary increase for Police Chief Jeff Doerr for further Council discussion and related to rushed committee discussion. At Roll Call Vote – Ayes: Hanks, Machota, Scanzoni, Bodner, Wallace. Nayes: Johnson, Plenske, Taylor. Absent: None. Motion carried to table longevity salary increase for Police Chief Jeff Doerr with 5 Ayes and 3 Nayes.
Motion by Johnson, seconded by Wallace to adopt Employee Review Policy and Review Forms. At Roll Call Vote – Ayes: Bodner, Wallace, Johnson, Hanks, Machota, Plenske, Taylor, Scanzoni.
Nothing to report.
Nothing to report.
Motion by Taylor, seconded by Scanzoni to waive 1st reading of Ordinance #2062 Granting A Zoning Variance For Real Property Located At 623 North Franklin Street, Staunton, Illinois. At Roll Call Vote – Ayes: Wallace, Johnson, Hanks, Machota, Plenske, Taylor, Scanzoni, Bodner. Nayes: None. Absent: None. Motion carried.
Motion by Taylor, seconded by Hanks to approve Ordinance #2062 Granting A Zoning Variance For Real Property Located At 623 North Franklin Street, Staunton, Illinois. At Roll Call Vote – Ayes: Johnson, Hanks, Machota, Plenske, Taylor, Scanzoni, Bodner, Wallace. Nayes: None. Absent: None. Motion carried.
1st reading of Ordinance #2063 Approving A Pre-Annexation Agreement With
David L. & Penny L. Jones Regarding Property Located At 9325 Renken Road,
Staunton, IL But Not Physically Annexing The Property To The City’s Corporate
Boundaries At This Time
1st reading of Ordinance #2064 Approving A Pre-Annexation Agreement With
Lloyd Garde Regarding Property Located At 2116 Parksville Lane, Staunton, IL
But Not Physically Annexing The Property To The City’s Corporate Boundaries
At This Time
1st reading of Ordinance #2065 Approving A Pre-Annexation Agreement With
Brad & Angela Best Regarding Property Located At 79 Calstrada Drive,
Staunton, IL But Not Physically Annexing The Property To The City’s Corporate
Boundaries At This Time
1st reading of Ordinance #2066 Approving A Pre-Annexation Agreement With
Anthony & Amanda Jarrett Regarding Property Located At 8985 Renken Road,
Staunton, IL But Not Physically Annexing The Property To The City’s Corporate
Boundaries At This Time
1st reading of Ordinance #2067 Approving A Pre-Annexation Agreement With
Curits & Natalie Oller Regarding Property Located At 9285 Renken Road,
Staunton, IL But Not Physically Annexing The Property To The City’s Corporate
Boundaries At This Time
1st reading of Ordinance #2068 Approving A Pre-Annexation Agreement With
David & Susan Cisler Regarding Property Located At 9250 Renken Road,
Staunton, IL But Not Physically Annexing The Property To The City’s Corporate
Boundaries At This Time
Prior to the next motion being made, Alderman Johnson saw what he thought were
problems with the application submitted and he felt that several items seemed to be
very unclear. Alderman Taylor stated that she met with the Prattes this afternoon and
she had re-sent the application with more detail and she was hoping this would clear
up any concerns.
A motion was made by Johnson, seconded by Plenske to table Resolution #2020-27 A
Resolution Authorizing The Execution Of A Redevelopment Agreement With Joseph
And Jennifer Pratte. At Roll Call Vote – Ayes: Wallace, Johnson, Plenske. Nayes:
Bodner, Hanks, Machota, Taylor, Scanzoni. Absent: None. Motion failed 3 Ayes; 5
Nayes to table Resolution #2020-27.
Motion by Taylor, seconded by Hanks to approve Resolution #2020-27 A Resolution Authorizing The Execution Of A Redevlopment Agreement With Joseph And Jennifer Pratte. At Roll Call Vote – Ayes: Machota, Taylor, Scanzoni, Bodner, Wallace, Hanks. Nayes: Johnson, Plenske. Absent: None. Motion carried 6 Ayes; 2 Nayes.
Motion by Taylor, seconded by Hanks to approve Resolution #2020-28 A Resolution Authorizing The Execution Of A Redevlopment Agreement With The Macoupin Art Collective. At Roll Call Vote – Ayes: Plenske, Taylor, Scanzoni, Bodner, Wallace, Hanks, Machota. Nayes: Johnson. Absent: None. Motion carried 7 Ayes; 1 Naye.
Nothing to report.
Prior to the next motion being made, Alderman Taylor stated that even though we
don’t have a contract and quote from the contractor as of this time, she felt that the
City Clerk’s Office should still be moved at the time listed. The move needs to be
made at the end of a month, since this is the time of the least activity at City Hall
Office. Consequently, if the move isn’t made at the end of June, it would need to be
scheduled for the end of July. A table barrier will be set up to block the one door
leading to the City Clerk’s Office side of the building until the new service window
can be cut in and installed.
Motion by Taylor, seconded by Plenske to approve closing City Hall at noon on
Thursday, June 25, 2020 and all day Friday, June 26, 2020 to allow for the move from
304 West Main Street to the new office in the Ralph and Josephine Oltmann
Community Center. At Roll Call Vote – Ayes: Taylor, Scanzoni, Bodner, Wallace,
Johnson, Hanks, Machota, Plenske. Nayes: None. Absent: None. Motion carried.
Alderman Wallace asked to stop scheduling committee meetings with such short
meeting times prior to City Council Meeting. There were three committee meetings
scheduled tonight prior to the 7:00 City Council meeting, and the time allowed for all
three meetings was 30 minutes, since the first one started at 6:30.
Mayor Neuhaus said that Jim Allan had called him on Tuesday, June 2, 2020, stating
that he will be resigning as Code Enforcement Officer for the City of Staunton. This
will be discussed in a committee meeting prior to advertising for the position.
J-N-F Tree Service has contacted Mayor Neuhaus about dumping their debris from
the tree trimming business out near the year waste site. They are willing to pay the
City $100.00 per load to dump. The Mayor will be back in touch with the company
and bring more information back to the Council.
Alderman Bodner received an e-mail from City Clerk Stiegemeier regarding fish at
the Staunton Lake. Eric Ratcliff, State Biologist, has put in a request to the State of
Illinois to get 2,500 bass and an unspecified amount of channel catfish for our lake.
Mr. Ratcliff wasn’t sure that he would get all that he requested, but he will keep us
No Executive Session was held.
No motions were made from Executive Session.
With no further business to discuss, Councilmember Wallace seconded by Councilmember Scanzoni to adjourn at 7:49 P.M. All present voting aye, motion carried.
Prepared by:
Dennis K. Stiegemeier, City Clerk