City Council Meeting Agenda--June 28, 2021 at 7:00 P.M.
City of Staunton
101 W. Pearl St.
Monday, June 28, 2021
7:00 p.m.
I. Call to Order (7:00-7:01)
II. Pledge of Allegiance (7:01-7:02)
III. Roll Call Vote (7:02-7:04)
IV. Consent Agenda (7:04-7:06)
Regular Meeting – 06/14/2021
Collector’s Report
Staunton Police Department (Ordinance Violations)--$100.00
Staunton Police Department (Reports)--$5.00
Macoupin County Circuit Clerk (Fine Disbursement)--$556.86
Macoupin County Circuit Clerk (Arrest Agency Fee)--$96.00
Macoupin County Circuit Clerk (Police Vehicle Fund)--$10.00
Macoupin County Circuit Clerk (E-Citation Fee)--$4.00
MJM Electric Cooperative (Utility Tax)--$206.48
Ameren Illinois (Utility Tax)--$16,856.46
Staunton Area Ambulance Service (Dispatch Fees)--$500.00
Staunton Super 8 Motel (Hotel/Motel Tax)--$2,373.70
Charles Popham (Police Dispatcher)
June 28, 2021
Business Licenses Issued
V.F.W. Post #1241 (Liquor License)
Berry’s Bar (Liquor License)
Concordia Hall, Inc. (Liquor License)
Asian Bistro by Olette, Inc. (Liquor License)
Rooster’s Pub, LLC (Liquor License)
R & B’s Family Restaurant (Liquor License)
Mac’s Convenience Store d/b/a Circle K (Liquor Licenses)
Mr. T’s Tavern & Liquor Store (Coin Operated Machine License)
Mr. T’s Tavern & Liquor Store (Video Gaming License)
Berry’s Bar (Coin Operated Machine License)
Berry’s Bar (Video Gaming License)
Green Room Gaming, Inc. (Video Gaming License)
Rooster’s Pub, LLC (Coin Operated Machine License)
Rooster’s Pub, LLC (Video Gaming License)
R & B’s Family Restaurant (Coin Operated Machine License)
R & B’s Family Restaurant (Video Gaming License)
Concordia Hall, Inc. (Coin Operated Machine License)
Concordia Hall, Inc. (Video Gaming License)
V.F.W. Post #1241 (Coin Operated Machine License)
V.F.W. Post #1241 (Video Gaming License)
Mac’s Convenience Store d/b/a Circle K (Video Gaming License)
Main Station Liquor & Wine (Video Gaming License)
V. Guests
VI. Correspondence (7:10-7:15)
Received an email from Jennifer Daugherty asking to use the band stand at the City Hall Complex for Jon Daugherty’s Eagle Scout Ceremony on Thursday, July 15, 2021, from 6:00 to 7:15 P.M. Jon’s Eagle Scout Project was to do electrical and sound system updates at the band stand. The Heritage Community Band will be presenting a concert that evening, so they will make sure their Eagle Scout Ceremony will be done in ample time. A copy of Mrs. Daugherty’s email is attached to the agenda packet.
VII. Treasurer’s Report (7:15-7:17)
Certificates of Deposit recently matured at Bank of Hillsboro ( had been invested for 12 months at 0.75%)
Band Fund - $10,000.00 plus $75.25 interest
Insurance Fund - $20,000.00 plus $150.53 interest
Depreciation Fund - $50,000.00 plus $376.29 interest
Bond/Interest Fund - $100,000.00 plus $752.59 interest
Infrastructure Fund - $200,000.00 plus $1,505.18 interest
Tourism Fund - $25,000.00 plus $188.12 interest
Water Fund - $100,000.00 plus $752.59 interest
VIII. City Clerk’s Report (7:17-7:20)
The City Clerk’s Office will be closed on Monday, July 5, 2021 for the Independence Day holiday. All public works employess, except one water treatment plant employee, will be off that day as well.
IX. Approval of Committee Reports and Motions (7:20-8:20)
Public Health & Safety – Manning (7:20-7:25)
Park & Civic Improvement - Scanzoni (7:25– 7:30)
Motion to grant request from Jon Daugherty to use the band stand at the City Hall
Complex for his Eagle Scout Ceremony on Thursday, July 15, 2021, from 6:00 to
7:15 P.M.
Finance/Claims – Moore (7:30-7:35)
Utilities / Water - Moore (7:35-7:40)
Motion to pay Invoice #2030779 to Midwest Municipal Supply for materials used
on the Streeb Lane water line extension in the amount of $2,172.60. This amount will be reimbursed to the City from the customer.
Street / Sewer – Machota (7:40-7:45)
Motion to approve quote #5755792 from Sherwin Williams for 75 gallons of
traffic marking paint in the amount of $1,483.50
Public Grounds – Machota (7:45-7:50)
Tourism – Neuhaus - (7:50-7:55)
Motion to spend up to $10,000.00 for Balloon Glow expenses, as budgeted
Personnel – Johnson - (7:55-8:00)
Annexation – Johnson - (8:00-8:10)
Special Committees – (8:10-8:15)
Judiciary – Johnson - (8:15-8:20)
Motion to approve Ordinance #2118 Approving A Pre-Annexation Agreement With Clay & Jill K. Williams Regarding Property Located At 9372 VFW Road,
Staunton, Illinois But Not Physically Annexing The Property To The City’s
Corporate Boundaries At This Time
Motion to approve Ordinance #2119 Approving A Pre-Annexation Agreement With Ted & Erin Frank Regarding Property Located At 9040 Renken Road, Staunton, Illinois But Not Physically Annexing The Property To The City’s Corporate Boundaries At This Time
Motion to approve Ordinance #2120 Approving A Pre-Annexation Agreement With Jared & Amanda Johnson Regarding Property Located At 1401 W. Sixth Street, Staunton, Illinois But Not Physically Annexing The Property To The City’s Corporate Boundaries At This Time
Motion to approve Ordinance #2121 Approving A Pre-Annexation Agreement With John B. Caldieraro III & Kelli A. Caldieraro Regarding Property Located At
1789 Rock Crusher Road, Staunton, Illinois But Not Physically Annexing The
Property To The City’s Corporate Boundaries At This Time
Motion to approve Ordinance #2122 Approving A Pre-Annexation Agreement With Bill & Jane Warren Regarding Property Located At 1928 N. Reservoir Road, Staunton, Illinois But Not Physically Annexing The Property To The City’s
Corporate Boundaries At This Time
Motion to approve Ordinance #2125 Adopting Recommendations And Findings Of Fact Of The Zoning Hearing Officer And Granting A Special Use Permit For
Property Located At 404 East Henry Street, Staunton, Illinois
X. Unfinished Business (8:20-8:25)
XI. New Business (8:25-8:30)
XII. Executive Session (8:30-8:50)
XIII. Motions from Executive Session (8:50-9:00)
XIV. Adjournment (9:00)
Any item listed on this agenda, including any request made in correspondence to the City, may be considered and the subjected to a vote and final action.
Any guests that are wanting to attend the City Council Meeting can do so in person or remotely. Please email to receive the invitation to attend the meeting remotely.