Mayor Craig Neuhaus called the Staunton City Council Meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. on Monday, August 24, 2020
Mayor Craig Neuhaus led the Pledge Allegiance to the Flag.
Prior to roll call being taken, City Clerk Stiegemeier announced that tonight’s City Council Meeting was being conducted remotely and was being recorded due to the COVID-19 Pandemic.
City Clerk Stiegemeier called roll with the following persons:
ATTENDING: Aldermen Maria Bodner, Brooke Wallace, Rick Johnson, Randy Hanks, Ryan Machota, Chad Plenske, John Moore, Mayor Craig Neuhaus, City Clerk Dennis Stiegemeier, City Treasurer Cindy Pirok, and Public Works Director Mike Kuethe.
ELECTRONIC ATTENDANCE: Alderman Jeff Scanzoni, Police Chief Jeff Doerr and City Attorney Phil Lading.
Johnson moved, seconded by Scanzoni to approve Consent Agenda with the following items:
Regular Meeting – 08/10/2020
Executive Session – 08/10/2020
Collector’s Report
Staunton Police Department (Ordinance Violations)--$200.00
Staunton Police Department (Reports)--$5.00
State of Illinois (Sales Tax)--$57,169.64
State of Illinois (Personal Property Replacement Tax)--$1,920.49
State of Illinois (Income Tax)--$69,675.84
State of Illinois (Use Tax)--$19,131.81
State of Illinois (Telecommunications Tax)--$5,777.22
State of Illinois (Cannabis Use Tax)--$285.96
State of Illinois (MFT Tax)--$8,835.71
State of Illinois (MFT Renewal Fund)--$6,358.40
Staunton Area Ambulance Service (August Dispatch Fee)--$500.00
MJM Electric Cooperative (Utility Tax)--$318.99
Ameren Illinois (Utility Tax)--$21,958.57
August 24 , 2020
Business Licenses Issued
Roll Call Vote
AYES: Wallace, Johnson, Hanks, Machota, Plenske, Moore, Scanzoni, Bodner.
NAYS: None.
Motion declared carried.
Tracy Favre, Joe Favre, Josh Thorn and Robin Stranimeier, representatives from the Staunton Lions Club, were present to talk to the City Council about their upcoming Halloween Parade and Secret Santa Program. Mrs. Stranimeier, Lions Club President, was asking for the Council’s opinion regarding both of their events. The Council felt that the Halloween Parade would be at greater risk right now due to the COVID-19 pandemic, but everyone agreed to wait until a closer date to make a decision on the parade. Robin stated that due to needed planning time, a decision would need to be made much sooner for the Secret Santa Program. She stated that at least 2 months would be necessary to get all donations in place and sorted out for the pick up date. Robin said that the day of the event, only 4 or 5 people are allowed to come in at a time to pick up gifts. They would require everyone to wear masks and would have hand sanitizer available for everyone’s use upon entrance and leaving. The Council felt that they should go ahead and plan for the event.
Bernie Hannig thanked the City workers for fixing a drainage culvert out near his house. He also asked about having a silt fence put up to keep mud from draining into his pond. Public Works Director Kuethe stated that he has talked with Jim Sievers, since it is his property, and Sievers said that he may possibly look in to terrace and tiling in the area that drains in to Hannig’s pond.
Mr. Hannig also asked why the City workers put up the fence around the construction areas on Main Street where the buildings were recently demolished. Public Works Director Kuethe explained that to reduce costs of the project, he was able to use some scrap fence that the City already had on hand, and the City workers installed the fence to again save costs from the demolition crew.
Lastly, Mr. Hannig asked why Public Works Director Kuethe and Police Chief Doerr were taking City vehicles home, as this was using taxpayer money. Kuethe explained that there are many times that he gets called out on evenings and weekends, and when he does this would be the time that he would use the City vehicle to get to job sites. Chief Doerr lives approximately 17 miles from Staunton, and he too gets several call outs, and this allows him to respond to the calls with an emergency vehicle. Alderman Plenske stated that Chief Doerr’s car is the oldest in the fleet of police cars with the least amount of miles.
Received an email from the FFA Alumni Association requesting to use the Fireman’s Park on Monday, September 14, 2020 for their annual meeting. They are requesting to have the park rental fee waived.
Received an email from Girl Scout Troop 98 Troop Leader Carol Bond requesting to use Duda Garden on Wednesday, August 28, 2020 from 6:00 to 8:00 P.M. for a Scout Meeting. They are requesting to have the park rental fee waived.
Received a letter from Vicki Renner of Pearl Essence Studio requesting to close North Wood Street from Main Street going north to the dead end on Saturday, October 10, 2020 from 10:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. for the Pearl Essence Studio’s Fall Festival – Kickoff to the Holidays. The east/west alley between North Wood and North Elm Streets will remain open.
Copies of all three requests are attached to the agenda packets. COVID-19 restrictions and regulations must be adhered to by all organizations.
Certificate of Deposit recently matured at Bank of Springfield:
Reserve Fund--$30,000.00 plus $1,793.40 interest (original purchase date was 8/8/2016 at 1.07%)
Certificates of Deposit recently purchased at Bank of Hillsboro:
General Fund--$125,000.00 for 12 months at 0.55%
MFT Fund--$175,000.00 for 12 months at 0.55%
Water Fund--$200,000.00 for 12 months at 0.55%
Sewer Fund--$175,000.00 for 12 months at 0.55%
Telecommunications Fund--$100,000.00 for 12 months at 0.55%
Infrastructure Fund--$300,000.00 for 12 months at 0.55%
Bond/Interest Fund--$250,000.00 for 12 months at 0.55%
Reserve Fund--$200,000.00 for 18 months at 0.70%
Bond/Interest Fund--$250,000.00 for 18 months at 0.70%
City Clerk’s Office will be closed on Monday, September 7th in observance of the Labor Day Holiday. All public works employees, except one water treatment plant employee, will be off that day as well.
Motion by Johnson, seconded by Hanks to grant request from Pearl Essence Studio to close North Wood Street from Main Street going north to the dead end on Saturday, October 10, 2020 from 10:00 A.M. to 6:00 P.M. for Pearl Essence Studio’s Fall Festival – Kickoff to the Holidays. The east/west alley between North Wood and North Elm Streets will remain open. At Roll Call Vote – Ayes: Johnson, Hanks, Machota, Plenske, Moore, Scanzoni, Bodner, Wallace. Nayes: None. Absent: None. Motion carried.
Motion by Bodner, seconded by Plenske to grant request from the Staunton FFA Alumni Association to use the Fireman’s Park on Monday, September 14, 2020 for their annual meeting, with the park rental fee being waived. At Roll Call Vote – Ayes: Hanks, Machota, Plenske, Moore, Scanzoni, Bodner, Wallac, Johnson. Nayes: None. Absent: None. Motion carried.
Motion by Bodner, seconded by Wallace to grant request from Girl Scout Troop 98 to use Duda Garden on Wednesday, August 26, 2020, from 6:00 to 8:00 P.M. for a Girl Scout Meeting, with the park rental fee being waived. At Roll Call Vote – Ayes: Machota, Plenske, Moore, Scanzoni, Bodner, Wallace, Johnson, Hanks. Nayes: None. Absent: None. Motion carried.
Motion by Moore, seconded by Plenske to table the motion reimbursing 75% of the completed Phase 3 expenses to JK Redevelopment Properties as outlined in the Redevelopment Agreement, for a total of $9,036.75 (75% of $12,049.00), for further discussion at a committee meeting. At Roll Call Vote – Ayes: Plenske, Moore, Scanzoni, Bodner, Johnson, Hanks, Machota. Nayes: Wallace. Absent: None. Motion carried 7 Ayes, 1 Naye.
Motion by Hanks, seconded by Plenske to pay Invoice #S1163157.002 to Schulte Supply for 1” stock radio read water meters in the amount of $3,068.00. At Roll Call Vote – Ayes: Moore, Scanzoni, Bodner, Wallace, Johnson, Hanks, Machota, Plenske. Nayes: None. Absent: None. Motion carried.
Nothing to report.
Nothing to report.
Nothing to report.
Nothing to report.
Nothing to report.
Nothing to report.
Motion by Bodner, seconded by Johnson to approve Ordinance #2072 Annexing Certain Territory To The City Of Staunton, Macoupin County, Illinois (17394 VFW Road). At Roll Call Vote – Ayes: Scanzoni, Bodner, Wallace, Johnson, Machota, Plenske, Moore. Nayes: Hanks. Absent: None. Motion carried 7 Ayes; 1 Naye.
Motion by Bodner, seconded by Johnson to approve Ordinance #2073 Approving A Pre-Annexation Agreement With John & Amy Milcic Regarding Property Located At 9251 Renken Road, Staunton, Illinois But Not Physically Annexing The Property To The City’s Corporate Boundaries At This Time. At Roll Call Vote – Ayes: Bodner, Wallace, Johnson, Hanks, Machota, Plenske, Moore, Scanzoni. Nayes: None. Absent: None. Motion carried.
Motion by Bodner, seconded by Johnson to approve Ordinance #2074 Approving A Pre-Annexation Agreement With Tammy McBride & Doug Guennewig Regarding Property Located At 2320 Route 4, Staunton, Illinois But Not Physically Annexing The Property To The City’s Corporate Boundaries At This Time. At Roll Call Vote – Ayes: Wallace, Johnson, Hanks, Machota, Plenske, Moore, Scanzoni, Bodner. Nayes: None. Absent: None. Motion carried.
Motion by Bodner, seconded by Johnson to approve Ordinance #2075 Approving A Pre-Annexation Agreement With Michael Wofford Regarding Property Located At 2216 Parksville Lane, Staunton, Illinois But Not Physically Annexing The Property To The City’s Corporate Boundaries At This Time. At Roll Call Vote – Ayes: Johnson, Hanks, Machota, Plenske, Moore, Scanzoni, Bodner, Wallace. Nayes: None. Absent: None. Motion carried.
Motion by Bodner, seconded by Hanks to approve Ordinance #2076 An Ordinance To Install Stop Signs On East First Street And East Second Street At Their Intersections With South Laurel Street, And East Second Street At Its Intersection With South Maple Street. At Roll Call Vote – Ayes: Hanks, Machota, Plenske, Moore, Scanzoni, Bodner, Wallace, Johnson. Nayes: None. Absent: None. Motion carried.
Motion by Bodner, seconded by Wallace to approve Ordinance #2077 Modifying Traffic And Parking On Hoxsey Street From Panhorst To West Henry Street. At Roll Call Vote – Ayes: Bodner, Wallace, Johnson, Hanks, Machota, Plenske, Moore, Scanzoni. Nayes: None. Absent: None. Motion carried.
Motion by Bodner, seconded by Johnson to approve Ordinance #2078 Amending Chapter 33, Article II Of The City Code Adding Regulations Regarding Grass Mowing Between Property Lines And Adjoining Street Surfaces Within The City. At Roll Call Vote – Ayes: Plenske, Moore, Scanzoni. Nayes: Wallace, Johnson, Hanks, Machota, Bodner. Absent: None. Motion failed 3 Ayes; 5 Nayes. Several Council Members expressed concern with the elderly and lower income residents being able to maintain the ditches near their properties and this was the reason for the no votes. However, they don’t want this put to the side, but hopefully work out a solution.
Motion by Bodner, seconded by Johnson to approve Ordinance #2079 Amending Chapter 24, Article II Of The City Code To Add Regulations Regarding The Covering Of Motor Vehicles, Boats, Trailers, Recreational Vehicles And Commercial Vehicles Within The City. At Roll Call Vote – Ayes: Johnson, Hanks, Machota, Plenske, Moore, Scanzoni, Bodner, Wallace. Nayes: None. Absent: None. Motion carried.
1st reading of Ordinance #2080 Approving A Charity Roadblock By Adopt A Pet To Conduct Their Macoupin County Wide Drive At The Intersection Of Main And Route 4 And Main And Union (October 10, 2020 from 10:00 A.M. to 3:00 P.M.)
1st reading of Ordinance #2081 Granting A Zoning Variance For Real Property Located At 1115 East North Street, Staunton, Illinois
Due to the fact that the following two ordinances have not been discussed at all in a committee meeting, Alderman Wallace felt that they should be tabled until a futher discussion can be held.
Motion by Wallace, seconded by Hanks to table the 1st reading of Ordinance #2082 Annexing Certain Territory To The City Of Staunton, Macoupin County, Illinois Illinois Department Of Natural Resources Staunton, IL 62088 PIN #01-000-374-01. At Roll Call Vote – Ayes: Hanks, Plenske, Moore, Bodner, Wallace, Johnson. Nayes: Machota, Scanzoni. Absent: None. Motion carried 6 Ayes; 2 Nayes to table the Ordinance.
Motion by Wallace, seconded by Hanks to table the 1st reading of Ordinance #2083 Approving An Annexation And Intergovernmental Cooperation Agreement Between The City Of Staunton, Illinois And The Illinois Department Of Natural Resources. At Roll Call Vote – Ayes: Plenske, Moore, Bodner, Wallace, Johnson, Hanks. Nayes: Machota, Scanzoni. Absent: None. Motion carried 6 Ayes; 2 Nayes to table the Ordinance.
Nothing to report.
Mayor Neuhaus stated that he has talked with Brandace Cloud at The MAC, and the decision has been made to cancel the 2020 Art Fair in September due to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Motion by Johnson seconded by Wallace to go into Executive Session pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2 (c) (1) – Personnel Issue at 7:28 P.M. At Roll Call Vote – Ayes: Plenske, Moore, Scanzoni, Bodner, Wallace, Johnson, Hanks, Machota. Nayes: None. Absent: None. Motion carried.
Alderman Scanzoni left the meeting at this time.
Motion by Bodner, seconded by Plenske to return to regular order of business at 7:44 P.M. At Roll Call Vote – Moore, Bodner, Wallace, Johnson, Hanks, Machota, Plenske. Nayes: None. Absent: Scanzoni. Motion carried.
No motions were made from Executive Session.
With no further business to discuss, Councilmember Plenske seconded by Councilmember Bodner to adjourn at 7:45 P.M. At Roll Call Vote – Ayes: Bodner, Wallace, Johnson, Hanks, Machota, Plenske, Moore. Nayes: None. Absent: Scanzoni. Motion carried.
Prepared by:
Dennis K. Stiegemeier, City Clerk