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City Council Meeting Minutes--June 14, 2021



Mayor Craig Neuhaus called the Staunton City Council Meeting to order at 7:00 P.M. on Monday, June 14, 2021


Mayor Craig Neuhaus led the Pledge Allegiance to the Flag.


City Clerk Stiegemeier called roll with the following persons:

ATTENDING: Aldermen David Manning, Rick Johnson, Ryan Machota, John Moore and Jeff Scanzoni, Mayor Craig Neuhaus, City Clerk Dennis Stiegemeier, City Treasurer Cindy Pirok, Police Chief Jeff Doerr, Public Works Director Mike Kuethe and Attorney Ryan Connor.


NOT ATTENDING: Aldermen Brooke Wallace and Randy Hanks and City Attorney Phil Lading.


Moore moved, seconded by Scanzoni to approve Consent Agenda with the following items:


Regular Meeting – 05/24/2021

Collector’s Report

Staunton Police Department (Ordinance Violations)--$600.00

Staunton Police Department (Reports)--$5.00

Staunton Super 8 Motel (Hotel/Motel Tax)--$1,841.36

Max B. Mullins Salvage (Scrap 1993 Int. Dump Truck)--$1,033.60

State of Illinois (Income Tax)--$75,872.48

State of Illinois (Use Tax)--$17,086.25

State of Illinois (Sales Tax)--$71,316.91

State of Illinois (Cannabis Use Tax)--$683.27

State of Illinois (Telecommunications Tax)--$5,963.02

State of Illinois (Video Gaming Tax)--$15,219.46

State of Illinois (MFT Tax)--$9,757.28

State of Illinois (MFT Renewal Fund)--$7,034.42


Marcus Zbornak (Any Department)

Monthly Reports

Distributed by Bookkeeper


June 14, 2021

Business Licenses Issued

Mr. T’s Tavern & Liquor Store, Inc. (Liquor License)

El Indio of Staunton, Inc. (Liquor License)

Green Room Gaming, LLC (Liquor License)

Staunton Columbian Club, Inc. (Liquor License)

Cavrest, Inc. d/b/a Cavataio’s Restaurant (Liquor License)

Casey’s General Store #1956 (Liquor License)

Casey’s General Store #1547 (Liquor License)

Shriya Staunton, Inc. d/b/a Main Station Liquor & Wine (Liquor License)

The Junction Café, Inc. d/b/a Bulldog Café (Liquor License)

Staunton Food & Liquor (Liquor Licenses)

Mississippi Culture Artisan Ale Projects (Liquor License)

Skeeter’s Pub, Inc. (Liquor License)

Cash Out Gaming, Inc. (Liquor License)

Roll Call Vote

AYES: Johnson, Machota, Plenske, Moore, Scanzoni, Manning.

NAYS: None.

ABSENT: Wallace, Hanks.

Motion declared carried.


Bill Bechem and Denise Hemphill were in attendance to address the City Council regarding the Staunton City Cemetery. Mr. Bechem gave some very interesting facts about graves at the cemetery that date back to the 1700’s. Bill stated that there are 83 graves in the cemetery that are from WWII and before, 30 from the Civil War era and 2 graves from the War of 1812. He also stated that several of these older monuments are deteriorating due to their age. Denise Hemphill explained how the Cemetery Board is able to spend perpetual care funds for cemetery maintenance and stone repair. The Board is only allowed to spend the interest earned on perpetual care money. At this time, they have three certificates of deposit, and are only allowed to spend the interest earned on these particular certificates. Denise explained that stone repair is quite costly and can be as high as $1,800 per day for repair work. Mayor Neuhaus is proposing to charge $700.00 per grave site, with the City keeping $100.00 and sending $600.00 to the perpetual care fund of the cemetery. At current, a grave site is $300.00, with the City keeping $250.00 and $50.00 is going toward perpetual care. This will be discussed further in a committee meeting. Mayor Neuhaus thanked Mr. Bechem and Mrs. Hemphill for enlightening the Council, and he also praised the entire Cemetery Board for all of their time and hard work in caring for the cemetery.

Ali Mayfield addressed the Council regarding an incident that recently happened with her 10 year old son out at the baseball diamonds, near the skate park area. Three teenage boys took her son, threw him over a fence and shoved him in a trash can. Mrs. Mayfield is very concerned for not only her son’s safety, but for other kids out at the ball parks. She is offering to help in any way possible to better the camera system out at the park. She feels so strongly regarding this issue, that she would even be willing to hold a fund raiser to raise money for the camera upgrade. Mayor Neuhaus thanked Ali for coming and assured her that this will be discussed further in Park & Rec and Public Health & Safety Committee meetings in the near future.


Received an email from Sarah Drury-Dothager, Troop Leader for Girl Scout Troop #6145, notifying the City that the surveys for the elementary school children are finished and the children have chosen the Eastern Redbud as Staunton’s City Tree. She is asking for the City Council’s approval for a proclamation. A copy of the email is attached to the agenda packet.


Nothing to report.


The entire State of Illinois has moved into Phase 5 (Illinois Restored) as of Friday,

June 11th. Despite the move into Phase 5, Governor Pritzker’s statewide disaster

declaration that was issued on May 28, 2020 remains in effect through June 26, 2021.

This disaster declaration allows municipalities to continue holding public meetings

remotely, as long as the meeting requirements during a disaster declaration are met.



Nothing to report.


Nothing to report.


Motion by Moore, seconded by Machota to approve retention of Mike Southworth of Hart, Southworth & Witsman to serve as bond counsel for the City of Staunton related to the City’s USDA Rural Development Loans for the City’s Main Street Box Culvert Replacement Project, and to document interim construction financing related to same, with projected fees ranging from $20,000.00 to $25,000.00. At Roll Call Vote – Ayes: Machota, Plenske, Moore, Scanzoni, Manning. Nayes: Johnson. Absent: Hanks, Wallace. Motion carried 5 Ayes: 1 Naye.

Motion by Moore, seconded by Scanzoni authorizing Mayor Neuhaus to sign Engagement Letter with Kerber, Eck & Braeckel confirming services for the City Audit for the fiscal year ending April 30, 2021. The fee for audit services this year will be $15,650.00. At Roll Call Vote – Ayes: Machota, Plenske, Moore, Scanzoni, Manning, Johnson. Nayes: None. Absent: Hanks, Wallace. Motion carried.

Motion by Moore, seconded by Scanzoni to reimburse 75% of the completed expenses to The Macoupin Art Collective as outlined in the TIF Grant Reimbursement Request, for a total of $4,111.96. At Roll Call Vote – Ayes: Machota, Plenske, Moore, Scanzoni, Manning, Johnson. Nayes: None. Absent: Hanks, Wallace. Motion carried.


Motion by Moore, seconded by Machota to approve Quote #S1172017 from Schulte Supply for 24 – ¾” Radio Read Meters and 24 – 1” Radio Read Meters, all with antenna assemblies, at a cost of $15,991.20. At Roll Call Vote – Ayes: Plenske, Moore, Scanzoni, Manning, Johnson, Machota. Nayes: None. Absent: Hanks, Wallace. Motion carried.


Motion by Machota, seconded by Moore to seek bids for stock culverts. At Roll Call Vote – Ayes: Moore, Scanzoni, Manning, Johnson, Machota, Plenske. Nayes: None. Absent: Hanks, Wallace. Motion carried.


Nothing to report.


Motion by Scanzoni, seconded by Moore to spend up to $10,000.00 for Ribfest expenses, as budgeted. At Roll Call Vote – Ayes: Scanzoni, Manning, Johnson, Machota, Plenske, Moore. Nayes: None. Absent: Hanks, Wallace. Motion carried.

Motion by Scanzoni, seconded by Moore to spend up to $7,000.00 for Art Fair expenses, as budgeted. At Roll Call Vote – Ayes: Manning, Johnson, Machota, Plenske, Moore, Scanzoni. Naye: None. Absent: Hanks, Wallace. Motion carried.


Nothing to report.


Nothing to report.


Nothing to report.


1st reading of Ordinance #2118 Approving A Pre-Annexation Agreement With

Clay & Jill K. Williams Regarding Property Located At 9372 VFW Road,

Staunton, Illinois But Not Physically Annexing The Property To The City’s

Corporate Boundaries At This Time

1st reading of Ordinance #2119 Approving A Pre-Annexation Agreement With

Ted & Erin Frank Regarding Property Located At 9040 Renken Road, Staunton,

Illinois But Not Physically Annexing The Property To The City’s Corporate

Boundaries At This Time

1st reading of Ordinance #2120 Approving A Pre-Annexation Agreement With

Jared & Amanda Johnson Regarding Property Located At 1401 W. Sixth Street,

Staunton, Illinois But Not Physically Annexing The Property To The City’s

Corporate Boundaries At This Time

1st reading of Ordinance #2121 Approving A Pre-Annexation Agreement With

John B. Caldieraro III & Kelli A. Caldieraro Regarding Property Located At

1789 Rock Crusher Road, Staunton, Illinois But Not Physically Annexing The

Property To The City’s Corporate Boundaries At This Time

1st reading of Ordinance #2122 Approving A Pre-Annexation Agreement With

Bill & Jane Warren Regarding Property Located At 1928 N. Reservoir Road,

Staunton, Illinois But Not Physically Annexing The Property To The City’s

Corporate Boundaries At This Time

Motion by Manning, seconded by Scanzoni to waive 1st reading of Ordinance #2123 An Ordinance of the City of Staunton, Macoupin County, Illinois, authorizing and providing for a $3,296,000 Promissory Note for the purpose of providing interim construction financing to pay costs incurred by the City for work associated with the replacement of the Gensing Creek Box Culvert, prescribing the details of the Note, and providing for the security and means of payment of the Note. At Roll Call Vote – Ayes: Machota, Moore, Scanzoni, Manning. Nayes: Johnson, Plenske. Absent: Hanks, Wallace. Motion carried 4 Ayes; 2 Nayes.

Motion by Manning, seconded by Moore to approve Ordinance #2123 An Ordinance of the City of Staunton, Macoupin County, Illinois, authorizing and providing for a $3,296,000 Promissory Note for the purpose of providing interim construction financing to pay costs incurred by the City for work associated with the replacement of the Gensing Creek Box Culvert, prescribing the details of the Note, and providing for the security and means of payment of the Note. At Roll Call Vote – Ayes: Machota, Moore, Scanzoni, Manning. Nayes: Johnson, Plenske. Absent: Hanks, Wallace. Motion carried 4 Ayes; 2 Nayes.

Motion by Manning, seconded by Scanzoni to waive 1st reading of Ordinance #2124 An Ordinance of the City of Staunton, Macoupin County, Illinois authorizing the issuance of general obligation alternate bonds of the City of Staunton, Macoupin County, Illinois, in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $3,400,000 pursuant to the Local Government Debt Reform Act of the State of Illinois, as amended. At Roll Call Vote – Ayes: Moore, Scanzoni, Manning, Machota. Nayes: Johnson, Plenske. Absent: Hanks, Wallace. Motion carried 4 Ayes; 2 Nayes.

Motion by Manning, seconded by Moore to approve Ordinance #2124 An Ordinance of the City of Staunton, Macoupin County, Illinois authorizing the issuance of general obligation alternate bonds of the City of Staunton, Macoupin County, Illinois in an aggregate principal amount not to exceed $3,400,000 pursuant to the Local Government Debt Reform Acot of the State of Illinois, as amended. At Roll Call Vote – Ayes: Manning, Machota, Moore, Scanzoni. Nayes: Johnson, Plenske. Absent: Hanks, Wallace. Motion carried 4 Ayes; 2 Nayes.

1st reading of Ordinance #2125 Adopting Recommendations And Findings Of

Fact Of The Zoning Hearing Officer And Granting A Special Use Permit For

Property Located At 404 East Henry Street, Staunton, Illinois

Motion by Manning, seconded by Scanzoni to approve Resolution #2021-24 Approving A Balloon Glow Agreement & Hot Air Balloon Tether Agreement With Winddancer Balloon Promotions, LLC. Attorney Lading has reviewed both agreements and gave his approval to move forward. At Roll Call Vote – Ayes: Johnson, Machota, Plenske, Moore, Scanzoni, Manning. Nayes: None. Absent: Hanks, Wallace. Motion carried.

Motion by Manning, seconded by Moore to approve Resolution #2021-25 Authorizing And Providing For The Incurrence Of Indebtedness For The Purpose Of Providing A Portion Of The Cost Of Acquiring, Constructing, Enlarging, Improving, And/Or Extending Its Gensing Creek Box Culvert Facility To Serve An Area Lawfully Within Its Jurisdiction To Serve. At Roll Call Vote – Ayes: Machota, Moore, Scanzoni, Manning. Nayes: Johnson, Plenske. Absent: Hanks, Wallace. Motion carried 4 Ayes; 2 Nayes.

Motion by Manning, seconded by Moore to approve Resolution #2021-26 Approving An Asset Purchase Agreement With Livingston Pipe & Tube, Inc. At Roll Call Vote – Ayes: Machota, Plenske, Moore, Scanzoni, Manning, Johnson. Nayes: None. Absent: Hanks, Wallace. Motion carried.

Motion by Manning, seconded by Moore to approve Resolution #2021-27 Authorizing The Execution Of A Redevelopment Agreement With Russell Furniture Co., Inc. At Roll Call Vote – Ayes: Moore, Scanzoni, Manning, Johnson, Machota. Nayes: Plenske. Absent: Hanks, Wallace. Motion carried 5 Ayes; 1 Naye.


Nothing to report.


Nothing to report.


No Executive Session was held.



No motions were made from Executive Session.


With no further business to discuss, Councilmember Scanzoni, seconded by Councilmember Moore to adjourn at 7:36 P.M. At Roll Call Vote – Ayes: Plenske, Moore, Scanzoni, Manning, Johnson, Machota. Nayes: None. Absent: Hanks, Wallace. Motion carried.

Prepared by:

Dennis K. Stiegemeier, City Clerk


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