City Council Meeting Agenda--March 14, 2022
City of Staunton
101 W. Pearl Street
Monday, March 14, 2022
7:00 p.m.
I. Call to Order (7:00-7:01)
II. Pledge of Allegiance (7:01-7:02)
III. Roll Call Vote (7:02-7:04)
IV. Consent Agenda (7:04-7:06)
Regular Meeting – 02/28/2022
Collector’s Report
Staunton Police Department (Parking Fines)--$25.00
Staunton Police Department (Reports)--$5.00
Staunton Police Department (Ordinance Violations)--$100.00
Macoupin County Circuit Clerk (Fine Disbursement)--$424.27
Macoupin County Circuit Clerk (Arrest Agency Fee)--$96.00
Macoupin County Circuit Clerk (E-Citation Fee)--$4.00
Macoupin County Circuit Clerk (Police Vehicle Fund)--$.50
State of Illinois (MFT Tax)--$5,797.45
State of Illinois (MFT Renewal Fund)--$6,270.40
State of Illinois (Sales Tax)--$65,353.61
State of Illinois (Personal Property Replacement Tax)--$7,894.30
Monthly Report
Distributed by the City Clerk’s Office
March 14, 2022
(Expenditures - $22,893.17, Payroll - $63,078.91, Manual Checks –
Business Licenses Issued
DEFU Corporation d/b/a Bamboo Garden
Concordia Hall, Inc. (Meat Shoot License)
V. Guests
VI. Correspondence (7:10-7:15)
Received a letter from Madison Communications notifying the City of their success in exceeding customer protection requirements for the 2021 year. A copy of the letter and report is included with the agenda packet.
Received a letter from Vicki Renner of Pearl Essence Studio requesting to close North Wood Street from Main Street to Duda Drive on Saturday, June 4, 2022, from 8:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. for Pearl Essence Studio’s 3rd Anniversary Street Party. A copy of the letter is attached to the agenda packet.
VII. Treasurer’s Report (7:15-7:17)
VIII. City Clerk’s Report (7:17-7:20)
I have received Economic Interest Forms from Macoupin County Clerk Pete Duncan. The State of Illinois has changed all questions on the form. Please review the questions carefully to ensure they are all properly answered. I need to submit completed forms by May 1, 2022, so please return them to me no later than April 20, 2022.
The annual Workers Compensation Audit was done in office on March 9, 2022
IX. Approval of Committee Reports and Motions (7:20-8:20)
Public Health & Safety – Manning (7:20-7:25)
Motion to close Wood Street from Main Street going north to Duda Drive on Saturday, June 4, 2022 for the Pearl Essence Studio’s 3rd Anniversary Street Party from 8:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M, and also allow them to use the City tables and chairs for the event
Park & Civic Improvement - Scanzoni (7:25– 7:30)
Finance/Claims – Moore (7:30-7:35)
Utilities / Water - Moore (7:35-7:40)
Street / Sewer – Machota (7:40-7:45)
Motion to pay Invoice #5531788 to Vandevanter Engineering for Annual
Maintenance Service Contract for Small Flygt Lift Stations in the amount of
Public Grounds – Machota (7:45-7:50)
Tourism – Neuhaus - (7:50-7:55)
Personnel – Johnson - (7:55-8:00)
Motion to hire Kelly Streubel as part time police dispatcher
Motion to approve Timothy Waltrip as water treatment plant intern. This will be
a paid internship.
Annexation – Johnson - (8:00-8:10)
Special Committees – (8:10-8:15)
Motion to reimburse Patty Brauer 75% of the completed expenses as outlined in the the TIF Redevelopment Agreement, for a total of $4,762.50 (75% of $6,350.00)
Judiciary – Manning - (8:15-8:20)
1st reading of Ordinance #2157 An Ordinance Adopting The City’s Updated
Zoning Map And Authorizing Its Publication
X. Unfinished Business (8:20-8:25)
XI. New Business (8:25-8:30)
XII. Executive Session (8:30-8:50)
Potential Real Estate Acquistion – Pursuant to 5 ILCS 120/2 (c) (5)
XIII. Motions from Executive Session (8:50-9:00)
XIV. Adjournment (9:00)
Any item listed on this agenda, including any request made in correspondence to the City, may be considered and the subjected to a vote and final action.
Any guests that are wanting to attend the City Council Meeting can do so in person or remotely. Please email to receive the invitation to attend the meeting remotely.